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Under Milk Wood released in theaters on 2014-12-11. This movie is amongst the best [Drama] genre, within 83 minutes and rating: 0.
Synopsis Under Milk Wood
A surreal and erotic interpretation of Dylan Thomas' 'Under Milk Wood' is the first theatrical production of the brilliant, haunting radio play since Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton's 1972 film. Certain to astonish and excite in equal measures, Dan y Wenallt reunites director Kevin Allen with actor Rhys Ifans over 15 years after the release of their cult classic Twin Town. An ensemble Welsh speaking cast of familiar faces is led by Ifans as First Voice and Captain Cat, with Charlotte Church as Polly Garter.
Now behind the eyes and secrets of the dreamers in the streets rocked to sleep by the sea…
Under Milk Wood Posters
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