Are you searching to watch The Last Seduction movie online streaming?. You've got come to right place. Download as many as you want and watch them on your pc.
The Last Seduction released in theaters on 1994-05-26. This movie is amongst the best [Mystery, Thriller, Romance] genre, within 110 minutes and rating: 6.5.
Synopsis The Last Seduction
Looking to escape her unhappy marriage, villainous femme fatale Bridget Gregory (Linda Fiorentino) convinces her husband, Clay (Bill Pullman), to sell cocaine, then steals the profits and runs out on him. She stops in a small town en route to Chicago, where she ensnares her next conquest, insurance man Mike Swale (Peter Berg). After getting a job at his insurance company, Bridget convinces Mike to run a scam -- but things take a deadly turn when she recruits him to help get rid of her husband.
She wants it all...
The Last Seduction Posters

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